Fredonia Presbyterian Church, (PCUSA)
Making All Things New
Building Use
Hall Rental
We'd love to help you host a baby shower, a business retreat or training, a family get-together, or whatever it is that you need space for.
Our Friendship Hall is updated and equipped with fiber Wi-Fi and AV options. It is ADA compliant and provides a calm, easy-to-use space for your gathering.
Occupancy is 96.
We have tables and chairs for your use.
In warmer weather, we have a nice patio, big yard, and benefit from the playground right behind our hall.
Property Use Rental Form (for all rentals)
Please email the form to the email provided on the form or return it to the office at 219 Central Ave.
Please keep the last two pages with you for emergency info and clean up procedures.
Our beautiful sanctuary is available for weddings, memorials, concerts/recitals, and funerals. We'd be honored to be a part of your family's major events.
We have a center aisle, a good sound system, and a easy to access sanctuary. In the spring, the field in front of the sanctuary makes for a lovely picture looking to the sanctuary.
We also have streaming services available for a fee to staff the cameras.
Occupancy is 249.